Pandemic-induced disruptions in work largely involved innovative technologies and increasing trade links which are reshaping the businesses to the huge extent this time. Remote working is at its peak, yet, physical dimensions of working not going to vanish, sooner or later, as several industries require it for better existence.
Traditional way of working is increasingly been replaced by modern ones, although, sectors like healthcare, where patients are still not comfortable with distanced-interactions with doctors, require a different thought to satisfy patients as well as safeguard healthcare workforce efficiently.
As far as pharmaceutical sector is concerned, there are way better technologies which can be seen in the industry in the current scenario which highly benefiting the working environment as well as the workforce. As lab technicians and pharmacists are required in the areas where very little exposure to people and outer environment is involved, smooth working procedures are been employed so far in this area of pharma industry.
Following Fig. 1 describes how post-pandemic future of work is evolving with the passing month-

Evolving working-styles and employees becoming increasingly adaptive towards it is a great thing to explore in the years ahead. It is the need of the hour to develop skills- strengthening programs for employees at work as not everyone is as flexible as new generation self-efficient employees.
The question still remains unanswered about importance of resilience over efficiency. In today’s scenario, where number of organizations are focusing on streamlining the supply chains, roles of employees and workflow in order to acquire efficiency in the entire system. However, employing efficiency needs consideration of different aspects for making a future-proof organization. Hence, practicing resilience is one of the crucial aspects of business which requires considerable attention while developing efficient working force and systems. Change is inevitable, organizations should be trained in such a way that they can become flexible enough to overcome uncertain events which may happen in the future.
Discussed ahead are certain aspects of business which can be considered superior while driving resilience in the work in post pandemic scenario-
- Future-perspective is essential
This can be the most important step while developing a resilient workforce. Future-proofing is a practice of making your employees educated and adaptable enough toward the uncertain future and business calamities. Analyzing the changes happening in the surroundings of the business and being responsive to it makes employees much active and productive.
Keeping them updated about the changing corporate trends is necessary to develop resilience. Investing more time in preparing for future changes can be highly beneficial for employees as well as the entire organization.
- Building problem-solving potential
Problem-solving skills are must haves for resilient workforce. Having these essential skills will make the workforce ready for difficult times which might appear in the future. This crucial capability can be built in the employees by making them understand the situation and analyze it. This will not only sharpen those essential skills but also boost the performance of the organization to the next level.
- Prioritizing mental health
Better mental health is necessary for better working. Pandemic resulted in stress, anxiety and depression like issue among the employees and organizations had to force the remote working. However, many companies are implementing online campaigns/programs like online team-building activities, sessions boosting metal health, etc. which are truly beneficial in increasing social interaction and among employees.
- Training and learning is crucial
Knowledge building is an important practice which every organization follows in order to keep their workforce updated. However, in evolving scenario, knowledge building has got immense importance as various organizations putting enormous effort in training and learning programs for employees so that they can efficiently excel in their tasks. As technologies been increasingly penetrating in different elements of the businesses, it has become essential to make the employees flexible toward advanced technologies by training and educating them about the same.
Learning opportunities through such training programs can boost productivity and performance of the employees.
In the future-oriented scenario of working, driving resilience is the need of the hour. Uncertain future can give rise to unavoidable circumstances, for which, organizations have to be well-built in terms of workforce and advanced technologies.
About Author
Mr. Ramanathan Hariharan
Mr. Ram has over 35 years of experience most of which was in executive leadership positions in Executive Education. Has strong expertise in leveraging learning to translate to work place performance. He was the President of the Executive education and consulting business at the School of Inspired leadership till recently, helping them scale up the executive education business through new learning solutions, pedagogy and reach.
Prior to that he was the Senior Director and Head of Executive Education in the Indian School of Business from 2009 to 2016. Prior to that he was the Vice President in one of the largest training and consulting companies in India. Ram was also the founding Director and CEO of a boutique HR consulting firm which focused on helping organizations in their talent management, leadership development and transformation journeys.
While holding a management degree from XLRI, he was closely associated with delivering learning solutions to several companies in industry verticals ranging from automobiles, technology, ITES, telecom, banking and finance, oil and gas where he helps the organizations craft learning road maps and strategies to improve performance in the work place and creating high performance teams.
As the working styles and patterns are evolving vigorously in current scenario, driving resilience has received immense importance along with practicing efficiency and effectiveness. This article puts light on importance of resilience in the workforce of organization and certain ways to develop the same.